April 26, 2023
For its 3rd General Membership Meeting (GMM) held at the Asian Institute of Management, the Philippine Marketing Association (PMA) focused on “The Future of Sustainability” as it invited knowledgeable speakers to provide gainful insights on this relevant and urgent topic.
Welcome Remarks was delivered by Dr. Christopher Monterola, Head of Aboitiz School of Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship of Asian Institute of Management. He expressed his appreciation for how PMA emphasized marketing as a science, saying that “those who believe that marketing is only a gut-feeling field are entirely misguided.”
He also pointed out that “’Level up Metaverse Marketing’ highlights the importance of combining technology innovation with holistic marketing strategies to meet the evolving need of consumers.”
President Sy Bryan Lato, CPM Asia, then took on the floor. He emphasized that “As marketers, we have a critical role to play in promoting sustainability practice and behavior.” Lato added, “We have the power to shape the consumers’ behavior and influence purchasing decisions. And we must use that power to promote sustainable options.”
After this, he updated the members on what PMA has accomplished since the last GMM, including future collaborations with other organizations.
The first speaker was Kingson Sian, the President and CEO of Newport World Resorts. He admitted that the “hotel industry is one of the most resource-hungry in the world.” Thus, he shared his company’s efforts to support sustainability by using solar panels, doing waste recycling, using sustainable alternatives, etc.
Sian had these final words, “The future will be dictated by consumers and if the consumers are increasingly demanding for sustainable options, then marketers should also think to that.”
The next speaker came in the person of PMA Former President, Yayu Javier, Vice Chairperson of Global Compact Network Philippines. She disclosed that “brands should be the impetus for consumers to want to do good and associate themselves to a brand that does good.” In effect, she said that “your consumers will feel good too because they are a part of the sustainability program.”
Yavier wrapped up her talk saying, “The more the customer experiences what the brand believes in, the more the customer will believe in the brand.”
The last speaker was Dr. Felipe Calderon, School Head of Washington Sycip School of Business, who expressed his stand that marketing can push for sustainability by driving awareness and the buy-in to sustainability.
He believes that sustainability is not expensive because it is “about cost savings … by reducing waste, consumption of electricity.” Furthermore, he said, “If you use sustainability as a lens, it is about making money in the end.”
The Members’ Spotlight segment then featured speakers from Paynamics digital payment technology and Prestige Paper Products. There were also the customary hybrid portions on networking and new members’ induction.
With more updated and insightful knowledge on sustainability, the members left the event hall feeling more able to take on this responsibility.
See you all in the next GMM!