Benefits of Being a PMA Member
On its 71st year, PMA brings you fresh ideas, creative executions, and multiple networking channels. Be a member and enjoy these benefits:
- PMA Membership Kit - PMA Pin & Certificate of Membership
-General Membership Meetings (GMM) & Fellowships
-Attendance to General Membership Meetings (PMA has at least 5 GMMs in a year)
-Opportunity to network with top local and global marketing executives and business owners
-Learn and discuss current marketing and business issues from top industries
-Chance to introduce your company, product offerings and services through the GMM’s
-Member’s Spotlight and multiple networking channels
- Priority invitation to and membership discount on PMA talks and seminars, National Marketing Conference and other external events/activities where PMA is a part of
- Forge alliances with other industry associations and spearhead development projects through PMA-led events and activities in partnership with the government and other key stakeholders
- Engage with Asian leaders through PMA’s Asia Marketing Federation Alliance
- Be eligible for any appointive position in the association and various committees
- Enjoy branding opportunities through the use of the PMA brand in your corporate collaterals (subject to PMA’s approval)
For inquiries, contact the Secretariat, Ms. Kyla at 09311731132 or email us at
[email protected]