April 3, 2023


With President-elect Sy Bryan Lato, CPM, and the 2023 Board of Officers and Directors inducted recently, a new theme was also revealed — Level up Metaverse Marketing.

In his acceptance speech, Lato referred to the metaverse as “an artificial world created in the web, or augmented reality with digital layers or elements parallel to the real world.” He even recommended to PMA members to “consider metaverse and web 3.0 as part of their marketing strategy.”

But what do members think of the metaverse and its role in their businesses? 


Xyrus Edward Quesada of the National University – Manila is also the Vice President for Chapters of the Philippine Junior Marketing Association. He believes that the theme is “very timely and relevant, which is thrilling to marketers and businessmen because of the opportunities and value creation within it.”

He believes that metaverse can work “even in … the Philippine Junior Marketing Association (because it has) digital features (that) will allow us to go beyond the traditional.” Quesada added, “With its promising features, we can make our events immersive and exciting in the most convenient way.”

On another note, Quesada enthused, “I would also like to plug … Juan Big Idea: Advancing to the Future of Marketing, which will also cover the metaverse and some of the technological advancements in the market (happening) on March 5, 2023.”


Isabelle Fernando, Events Associate of St. Peter Life Plan, Inc. says, “It is necessary for us … to keep up with the new technological trends, … (such as) the state of the art mediums and platforms such as the metaverse. Leveling up ensures us to be closer to our target market, which is Gen Y and Z, who use the internet as part of their daily needs.”

Though admitting that “It would be a challenge for us to make it work for our brand since we have an unconventional product, but we humbly accept the challenge.” Way to go!

While some members admit that they are still unfamiliar with metaverse, surely the new PMA board will make them more knowledgeable and make them ready to level up!

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